My First Reiki Session

“Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others.” – Dalai Lama

YOU GUYS!! I met this amazing woman named Julia. In February we started sharing the room that I rent at Coastal Family Wellness. Julia is a certified Reiki Master Teacher in a few different types of Reiki. Since the day I met her I felt that she was truly down to earth and was someone I wanted on my care team.

Well, Aug. 15th, was the day that I FINALLY bit the bullet and received my first reiki session. I feel that I usually do pretty good research about all things that interest me. Well, even still I didn’t have ANY idea what to expect. Also, if I’m going to be completely transparent about my session, the research I did, didn’t even touch on what went on during my session. When I entered the room, that I work in 3 days a week, I instantly went into a relaxation. After Julia and I talked for a bit to catch up, as our schedules don’t overlap. She had me lay on the table face up and covered me with the world’s softest lavender blanket.

Julia then explained to me that reiki is energy work that uses the chakras and the body meridians. She asked if there was anything that I wanted to manifest, focus on, or get answers about during this session. I told her there wasn’t really and I just wanted to see what would get brought up during this session.

“The Mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.”

At this point Julia asked me if I wanted to wear the eye mask for added relaxation, or if I wanted to keep my eyes open during the session. Since I know that I tend to get distracted by my surroundings and I’m not good at keeping my eyes closed on my own, I asked for the mask. This would ensure that I could get the most out of my session as I could. Julia did a quick scan of my aura to see if there were any areas of my body that really pulled to her that needed a little more focus right off the back. My stomach triggered her first. She then went to my feet and asked me to ground myself. As I did, she mentioned that she instantly got a vision of my feet in the sand with the waves rolling over them. I WAS scared IMPRESSED! Not only did I not say what I was imagining but she saw it as soon as she touched my feet! At that moment, it was confirmed, this was exactly what I needed at this time in my life.

The rest of the session continued on like this. When Julia went to my head to start the process she asked about my angles. She knew that my grandmother was trying to contact me. But, because I could feel a lot going on in my neck and throat, she asked if I had a problem speaking up and asking for help. (Which I definitely do) She said that spirits don’t just invite themselves into our lives we need to ASK for their help. So, while grandmama may be watching over me, she cant do much (thanks to human free will) until I specifically give in and say that I would like her to help guide me.

During the session we would talk about things that I was feeling or follow up conversations, you know how one thing can lead to another. So, when Julia got back to my feet, I kept visualizing a white light pulsating up from my feet, through my legs. I let her know and she said that was good, that it was healing. It was focused mostly through my left side. Julia reassured me that sensation was completely normal. The left side is focused on the yin, the female energy.

Reiki is the energy that connects our higher self with everything around us.

Near the end of the session I told Julia I saw a kaleidoscope of purple. When mentioned it she, very obviously, get super excited! Purple, again, is a very healing color. I was on the path of growing spiritually. We ended the session and talked a little bit about my future and how reiki can help me. Julia explained to me that reiki was exactly like meditation, but in a way, better! She was doing the meditation for me without any of the work. Just like how massage is me doing the stretching of muscles for you without you doing the hard work. I loved that example, it really helped me focus on what I want to narrow in on and what I want to manifest in life. Julia also explained that meditating and asking the universe for help was JUST LIKE ordering something offline. When you look at an item, and thanks to cookies, it starts to show up EVERYWHERE on line. That item and ones that are similar. After you finally decide to order it you get really excited about it coming, you worked hard for that item, you imagine how you are going to feel when it finally shows up, you imagine how you are going to use that item and what its going to do for you in the future.

So, when you really want to add something into your life, just ask the universe for help, really focus on what it is you want to achieve, and the universe will answer. Not only with what you really want, but with so much more. I absolutely LOVED this first session of reiki treatment and I cannot wait for my next one in just a couple of weeks. I would HIGHLY suggest that everyone tries it at least once. Especially if you need healing, or clarification in your life. I’m serious when I say that I would love for you all to try out Julia soon. She truly is such a healing human and so kind! I know that she will hold the space for you in the aspect that you need most to help you grow and thrive!

Julia Jun and I after my first reiki! This is one of the most amazing women I have met!

Why Did I Become a Massage Therapist?


“The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.”
– Albert Einstein

I have always been interested in helping people. Classic middle child, I have always tried to make sure that everyone else was taken care of before myself. With knowing this fun fact about me I thought going into health care may be one of the best ways to spend my life. Originally, I thought that I wanted to become a nurse. My grandmother was a nurse and her stories and experience had just been so fascinating to me. While in college getting my general ed. done, I realized: “I DON’T like school!” How will I go through all of the schooling it takes to become a Registered Nurse? I basically had given up on that dream!

In 2012, I was working in a warehouse in the Audio-Visual industry, I went to work early one morning and was helping load a truck. My manager and I were putting a projector away and, either it was too early or I was moving to fast (maybe a little bit of both), I felt a twinge in my back. I dropped the lid to the case and had to walk away. I walked around a bit and thought I had worked it out and promptly went back to work. I made sure that I moved around a lot that day so that my back wouldn’t feel too sore. Everyday for lunch I liked to sit in my car, well today wasn’t the best day to do this. I came back from my lunch break and was in so much pain I ended up having to go into the Urgent Care. I had thrown out my back and had to be out of work for TWO WEEKS!

During my healing time I spent a lot of time stretching, sitting in my grandparents hot tub (after being crazy and driving 2.5 hours to their house), and getting massages. What a wonder the massage did for me! That’s when it hit me! I could become a massage therapist. Yes, there is a lot of schooling to go into that, and yes it would take lots of time and dedication. But the end result was that I would still be able to be in health care and help heal others!

Within the year I signed up to start massage training, I had bought all my supplies and my books and couldn’t wait to dive in. MAN OH MAN! Was that hard work? But it was so interesting, and I got to learn so much about the body and how it works and how humans can do so much to heal themselves with just a little encouragement!

Now, in 2019, I get to say that I have loved all 5 years that I have been practicing. I love seeing all the happy faces of my clients after they get off the table. I enjoy learning more everyday about what makes people’s body’s work. If, and when, my clients ask me questions on how certain muscles work, or how to help with something, and I don’t know the answer I love getting the chance to dive into some research and find the right information for them.

My next “journey” is going to be diving more into learning prenatal and post-natal massage (which I already do but now I will get into more than just the basics). I am excited to really expand my knowledge in this subject, and potentially narrowing my scope of practice. 

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! I will be posting all kinds of different things on this blog!

Have something in mind you’d like my input on? Want my recipes? Why do I do, what I do?

Anything and everything can be posted on here. I love doing my research and learning more. While I would love for this to stay focused on Massage Therapy, I’m happy to look into anything health related.


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
